Hello! I am back in Dallas, and it is taking me the week (so far) to catch up on sleep and life after babysitting in LA. We did have so much fun with those baby girls, but let’s face it, little ones are needy and a lot! We came back to Dallas in full bloom with lots of pollen. I spent yesterday afternoon with my allergist, developing a plan for shots. I’ve never done them, but I am so allergic to pollen( and other things). I will go in next week for a “fast track.” Has anyone done this? I will be there from 9-3 and get a shot every thirty minutes. They prescribed an Epi-pen that I bring to each allergy shot appointment. It sounds a little frightening, and I have no idea what I am getting myself into. I really hope it helps me!
Today, I wanted to go green for St. Patrick’s Day week. Green is one of my favorite colors to wear! I think green looks good on almost everyone (that’s why I chose emerald green for my bridesmaid dresses all those years ago). Green also has a calming effect. After reading that fun fact, I will be buying more green! The dress I am wearing is from Misook. Misook has been around for a long time, and I honestly have always thought the brand looked like it was made for older women (like me, now!), so I’ve not paid much attention until recently. This green stripe dress is a dream dress! It’s wrinkle, fade, and stretch-resistant, and the fabric holds its color and shape. I can’t stand a dress that wrinkles the minute you sit down. No worries about this one! I know many of us don’t like to show our arms, so I wanted to show the dress with a blazer thrown over it. I wore the dress with a heel, but I will also throw it on with a sandal or a sneaker.
If you are familiar with Misook and have not checked it out lately, I wanted to show you more of my favorite pieces. I love this black tiered lace shirt dress. I will be ordering this orange cotton eyelet number. It’s the perfect summer dress! I also think this floral maxi in pale gold would make a great dress to wear to a wedding. My favorite Misook dress is sold out in most sizes (but I bet it gets restocked). How beautiful is this blue and white dress? The last dress on my radar is this abstract print crepe de chine dress. This dress could be worn for many occasions, like graduations, church, luncheons, showers..etc.
DRESS // BLAZER // BAG (similar) // SANDALS (similar)
I had to post another green look with me and my oldest granddaughter. We picked out these dresses at Target (my stripe dress and her solid green). My girl loves to hang out with me in my “makeup” room. She has her own drawer and lighted makeup mirror. I swear, she knows more about makeup and skincare brands than I do (and she’s only nine!). She’s missing a tooth she pulled minutes before we took this photo!
I’m heading to my hair colorist today to lighten up a little. I’ve gotten too dark, and it’s bumming me out. I also plan to start shopping for Easter baskets. I can’t believe it’s already the middle of the month, and it will be here in a blink. I have included a few more of my favorite green things below.
Have a fantastic day! Stay well and Be safe! xx
Irish Blessing
“May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
The rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.”