Why Do You Need To Study Professional Marketing Before Starting A Business?


After working as a content creator for more than three years, I thought it was time to start my own business and run my online magazine that I have been dreaming of since entering that niche. People around me were in two teams between supporters and doubting my success. I was too nervous, anxious and thinking that I will fail. But, one of my closest friends feed the fire inside me; he said, ” look, you have the dream, the gift, and the experience. So what might go wrong.” I took his advice, and I started right away. Seriously what might go wrong! I will write the content l like, express my opinions, and this wellness and lifestyle magazine would become one of the best in the field.

Get your favorite cup of coffee and have some experience

What could possibly go wrong!

I made everything, name whatever you want, buy a domain name, pick a host, design logos, deal with all tech-ish problems. It was like going on a non-stop rollercoaster ride for the first six months. I was about to give up; things weren’t easy at all, I wasn’t getting any views, and I was getting depressed. But, I decided to take another step and see how things will go. I learned more about running a blog, how to market your content on social media, etc. Things started to get pretty good. I even got a collaboration with an international brand, Gymshark, and I was over the moon. I managed to rub a whole online magazine with thousands of monthly views all by myself. I started to get followers on social media as well; I was PROUD OF MYSELF.

Professional Marketing
Source: Macklin Bath and Home

But you must hit bottom once you reach the peak. Things started to get pretty rough again. You got a burnout creator. How worst could you go? I worked 17 hours a day, I barely had my meals, and I hardly met people. It is like you have been caught in a time trap catching trends, stalking competitors, and refresh to see how many views you got for your new blog post.


Don’t worry you will reach that revealing point

I felt that I am missing something. I know I am a good writer, and people love reading my blogs; the thing is, I can’t MARKET my magazine. That is what I need; I WANT TO STUDY PROFESSIONAL MARKETING. I want to represent the value of my blogs the way I see them, and of course, I need money. That’s when I started to read more about professional marketing, searching for courses. Unfortunately, I was broke spending all my spare cash on the magazine, and I have nothing left to invest in the course.

Professional marketing
Source: @MakenaElliePhotography @kait_simmons

Fortunately, I come across Nano-degree PROFESSIONAL Marketing Schoraship through Facebook ads ” power of marketing,” I guess it is meant to bring my dream back to the game. I immediately applied, and a week after, I received the enrollment email. I started my course right away, it is still running, but I have been learning so much.

We are finally there

My one-to-go advice for everyone who wants to start their own business is to study marketing no matter its niche. You will figure out many points and roads you have been missing or not knowing about, which could help you start RIGHT without spending much time and effort going nowhere.

Stay Tuned for more on my learning journey, tips, and hacks XOXO

Feature Image Source: Mujerde10


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