What’s in a name? Quite a lot, it turns out


More of an update than a blog – about misunderstandings, making necessary changes and potential new beginnings.

Hey everyone, it’s been a while. Is it too late to wish you a happy new year?

I’ve already done the 2020 post-mortem. And I will not dwell on what is shaping up to be a less than ideal start to the year (Brexit chaos, COVID-19, Trump inciting violence – need I say more?). I just wanted to keep in touch with an update.

I’m having a short break from the blog, to ponder what direction to take and whether to go ahead with a rebrand.

Maven Shmaven

What’s in a name? Quite a lot, it turns out.

The name Lifestyle Maven has caused nothing but confusion. The word Maven is not as common and well-understood as I hoped it was. People misspell it, assume it’s my surname or think I’m from Malvern – a town in Worcestershire (which makes no sense, because then I’m the one spelling it wrong!).

Maven means ‘expert’. A maven is usually an older woman, sometimes considered a bit of a know-it-all, and is often mentioned with an accompanying eye-roll. It’s difficult to get the nuance across in a blog name.
I have been thinking about changing my name for years. The administrative burden feels heavy, but I have set the ball rolling with a name change on Instagram.

Remarkable Midlife

Remarkable Midlife is my new Instagram name, which I hope is a better reflection of the content I now share. I’m for not fading into the background in middle age. I stand for quiet confidence and building a community of people who lift each other up.

I’m also up for sharing rude memes and the occasional funny dog video.

So I’m considering starting a new blog, which will contain some of my old favourites: family/lazy cooking; beauty; wellbeing – but will have more of a focus on confidence, personal development and midlife careers. It might be called Remarkable Midlife, or I may just use my name. I’m not rushing into a decision.

It would be lovely to hear from you before I throw myself into this new project.

Will you join me? I’d really appreciate your feedback. You can leave a comment below or send me an email if you prefer.

In the meantime, you can still listen to my dulcet tones on the Don’t Shoot The Messenger Podcast, bringing you interesting conversations about careers in communications. There are new episodes out every fortnight.

I will keep you posted.

Much love, Vx

The post What’s in a name? Quite a lot, it turns out appeared first on Lifestyle Maven.

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