Seek the silver linings


As with all challenges, seek the silver linings.

This was a really tough week for me, but I still choose to seek the silver linings I believe exist around all difficulties.

I relaxed once I knew my family was safe in different locations, and we all moved quickly to help one another if needed.

After 30 hours of no power, my son came to take us to his in-laws who had maintained power most of the time. Mr. B was helping a neighbor with a medical device issue.

So I went with my son to find some warmth and Mr. B said he would be fine left behind. Well, once I was at the new location just a few minutes, they lost power.

I had to laugh…all I could do. The roads were dangerous and traffic lights out, so I elected to stay where I was.

The silver lining? Spending time with three of my grandchildren. Had a great engaging conversation with the youngest, who is four months old.

The next day I returned to Mr. B at our home and have stayed here…it is hard to improve your situation when most are in the same boat.

I confess that through a pandemic and now electrical grid failure, it’s been a challenge…but I have found silver linings, nonetheless!


Silver Lining #1

I do not get many opportunities to wear my winter clothing. The moments to wear sweaters, coats, and gloves often are fleeting.

I think just this week alone, I layered on every heavy garment I owned! So, thankful to have the few that I do.

Remember, not too long ago, I said I was only purchasing clothing I could wear all year long because we were so warm?

Might have to re-think that and pick up a few heavier pieces in the off season sales. Makes more sense now.

I am so thankful I had the clothing that I do.

Today’s slideshow contains my contenders for possible future cold purchases….

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Silver Lining #2

Just a few days before the shut down, I did some major cooking. I made this Oatmeal-Blueberry-Yogurt Bake; homemade chicken soup with fresh veggies from Leigh Ann’s garden; and chili.

Ultimately, all of these things were re-heated on the fireplace and a BBQ pit. But, it worked! It was healthy food and easy to re-heat over a fire.

I also had just done a major grocery shopping trip, so now we still have some food for Mr. B and I while the groceries are struggling to keep shelves full.

This recipe was so good and easy, I thought I would share it……


Silver Lining #2


1 cup of oats

4 Tablespoons of vanilla yogurt (I used Light n Fit Very Vanilla)

2 handfuls of frozen blueberries

1 teaspoon of baking powder

2 Tablespoons of real maple syrup

1 teaspoon of lemon zes

1 1/2 teaspoon of fresh lemon juice

8 tablespoons of boiling water

Notes and process:

The lemon made such a difference. I used organic Meyer Lemons…so good.

Cook at 400 degrees. Put the oats in a small bowl and stir separately with the boiling water. Let sit for 2 minutes. Add everything else in another bowl and stir together. Add the oats and stir.

Pour in an oven proof dish that has been treated with butter. Let it bake 30 minutes and serve with a spoonful of yogurt on top.


Puffy Blanket on over 50 Feeling 40

I actually considered donating some of our blankets last summer because they had such little use.

Really glad I did not do that! At one point, we had so many blankets on our bed that it was difficult to move underneath. But they kept us going through nights of no heat and temps in the teens.

I still highly recommend this PUFFY BLANKET…it has been a family favorite through this winter. This is not an affiliate link…just a recommendation.


Silver Lining #4

I love mornings with coffee and a fireplace and I certainly got my fill this week!

Previously, it has been a rare experience only a few times a year….this week it was a “throughout each and every day experience!”

There were times I wanted to crawl into the fireplace, but many times, I could sit with my coffee (made over the fireplace) and just reflect upon all that was going on.


Silver Lining #5

Believe it or not, the snow turned out to be a silver lining. Many of us had to put food into the snow to preserve it while refrigerators had no power, some used it for water.

It was also soothing last Thursday to watch it fall all day long with beauty and solitude. Somehow, though cold, it brought hope.

This is my daughter’s house in North Texas where they received 15 inches the first day.

I am even smiling while I write this post, because despite it all, there were silver linings.

Just like the pandemic, I saw so much good in people.

Our police officers, firefighters, our churches, neighbors, families, grocery managers…so many reaching out to help others.

Individuals experiencing hardships themselves were helping others. It is such a joy to watch people dive into difficult times to care for neighbors they may or may not know.

The future may be very difficult due to what happened to us this week….we are anticipating high energy bills and grocery increases, but I will keep my focus positive.

I am thankful today. Remember…there is always a reason to………………………..


By Pamela Lutrell

The post Seek the silver linings first appeared on Over 50 Feeling 40.Original Article

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