Mom’s Aging Strong- Wellness Beyond 50


By: Nicole Moneer

Midlife today no longer looks like it did for our mothers and grandmothers. Times have changed,
mindsets are significantly different, and countless women are taking an active role in aging
stronger than past generations. Self-care is the best health care and aging regimen, no matter
what day of the year it is. I am sharing with you knowledge gained in my 51 years of life as well
as things that have proven successful for my clients.

No matter what your age, set a goal by doing more of what makes you happy! Be proactive and
aggressive in pursuing optimal health, the relationships you want, the type of work life and
finances you desire, along with how you want to look.

Start small, keep it realistic, take one baby step, and commit for 21 days minimum. It usually
takes 3 weeks of doing something repeatedly for it to become a habit. Do not beat yourself up if
you do not achieve perfection, give yourself grace in the journey.

Make it a point to nourish your body, mind, and soul. Organic, non-GMO, gluten-free foods,
a variety of protein sources, filtered water, and healthy fats are best and have been my medicine
since 2006. Move your body daily and be sure to include weight training a few days a week.
Read more. Take classes whether online or in person. Listen to your higher self.

Most moms are marvelous at taking care of others. The question I have is how well do you take
care of yourself? Do you put your needs first or last? Are you able to say no to others? Did you
know people pleasers have higher rates of cancer? Strengthen your vocal cords by saying yes
to yourself more. It could save your life!

In my opinion, confidence isn’t about feeling good about oneself, it is about trusting oneself.
That trust comes with age. I call it wisdom from learned life experiences both good and bad.
Hold onto all your stories, those dividends pay off in the long run.

Your DNA is NOT your destiny. My entire family: father(57), mother(69), and brother(50) all died
far too young from heart disease. I could have thrown in the towel decades ago when my father
passed in 1996. In 2006, I put myself in the driver’s seat regarding my health. After being on
dozens of prescriptions for decades and suffering from a plethora of chronic conditions, I
reversed all health challenges with whole real unadulterated foods, supplements, and speaking
up for myself. It is never too late to achieve better health and a better life, when you are open to
changing the way you live. At 51, I am not on any medicines nor do I have any chronic
conditions. 20-30 years ago I did, proof that you can improve with age and consistent conscious
self care.

Manage your stress instead of numbing it. That will look different for everyone. It is not as
simple as doing yoga, a cold bath, or meditation. For many those create more anxiety,
avoidance, and stress. Instead slow down, pause, schedule nothing, make friends with your
feelings, take a Tai Chi class, learn how to communicate your needs effectively, journal
emotions and how they connect to unhealthy lifelong patterns you are seeking to break free
from. Chronic stress depletes our precious minerals, leading to a plethora of health problems,
including early menopause.

Invest in functional lab testing, hair tissue mineral analysis, and exploring your emotions and
past traumas. All help uncover the root causes of conditions, symptoms, lifelong patterns, and
disease, along with prevention. As we women enter into the menopause years it is critical to be
informed about how cortisol and hormones impact our sleep, memory, mood, and metabolism,
along with when and how we journey through this stage of life. Often times, allopathic doctors
fail to provide answers and long-term solutions, leaving most women with debilitating conditions.
Shop around and be savvy when it comes to how you age. I offer the above including a
complimentary consultation to further discuss clients goals and challenges along with my
services and pricing. Email me at [email protected] to schedule your path towards
aging strong.

The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

Disclaimer: This story is auto-aggregated by a computer program and has not been created or edited by jennertrends.
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