How Messy Is Your Bedroom?


Let’s talk, readers — how messy is your bedroom? (Should this be a new series, Adventures in Adulting?) We just talked about making our kids’ beds over at CorporetteMoms, and — like our discussion here about how often we make our beds — I was surprised how many women don’t make their bed daily.

I suppose this is the Instagram trap we all fall into — everyone ELSE has picture-perfect homes all the time, right? With a mountain of pillows and fluffy bedding, and matching, well-designed, grown-up furniture that definitely did not come from Ikea! And their bedroom is super clean because it is their haven! (The stock photo illustrates the point — look how calming and lovely it must be to live there!)

For my $.02, the entirety of Casa Griffin is messy, but particularly my and my husband’s bedroom. In addition to the barely-made bed (I just pull the sheets and cover up so we have a “clean” surface — essentially to sort laundry, if we’re being honest), I have piles of half-dirty clothes on the floor… and chair… and necklaces hanging on dresser hooks instead of where they belong… and a huge mountain of parenting books by the bed that I never read. There are also piles of clothes to try on, clothes to return… Because it’s spring, there are also piles of seasonal clothing out, as I put away winter things for the next six months and slowly bring out my shorts and dresses and pastels and other bright, summery colors. (And, hey, it’s me, so I have “summer blacks,” because yes I have lighter weight tops and pants that I separate from my “winter blacks” so I remember them.)

My husband is a fan of keeping piles of clean laundry around the room, as well, and we generally are both happiest if he folds his shirts and socks (he has a system, he tells me), so I generally, er, respect that system and don’t put away his laundry. (That’s the ticket.)

Our one redeeming quality is that dirty clothes that are ready to be washed go directly into the hampers. I have one for regular wash and one for delicates. But there are still a lot of half-dirty things like pants and sweaters that we wear multiple times before washing them…

(In terms of how this applies to adulting, I think I always thought my bedroom would be more like a hotel room when I got older. But I’m not quite sure who I thought was going to be making it just so every day — in my childhood dreams was I going to have a daily housekeeper?)

In my current reality, I’m the only one I really want touching the stuff in my bedroom, so if it’s going to be clean, that comes out of my dwindling bank of time, energy, and patience… The bargain I’ve made with myself is I’ll tidy it a little bit when we change the sheets, but that’s only once a week.

I should note despite the mess, my bedroom is still my haven, and I still feel a — I don’t know — happy tingle of success when the day has ended and I can retreat into it.

So I thought it might be a fun discussion — if your bedroom is clean and haven-like, tell us your secret! If your bedroom is, um, messy like mine, do indulge us… how messy is your bedroom? What about your bedroom makes it your haven?

Stock photo via Stencil.

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