His Mercies Begin Afresh Each Morning


We are starting to see some hints of spring outside, and I get so excited when I see the first daffodils pop out of the ground. Spring always feels like a new beginning, an opportunity to start afresh.

This week, I read Lamentations 3:23 and was reminded that God gives us a fresh start each morning.

This verse highlights God’s never-ending love and mercy. Despite our hardships or disappointments, God’s mercies are renewed every day.

Here are 3 things to look at from Lamentations 3:23:

  • New Every Morning: Although our challenges may persist, each new day offers an opportunity to begin anew. We can approach the day with the confidence that God’s love and faithfulness are available again.
  • God’s Faithfulness: God’s faithfulness remains constant even when we falter.
  • A Reason for Hope: Lamentations is a book filled with grief, but this verse offers a turning point. The recognition of God’s constant love becomes a source of hope, even in the midst of suffering.

As we start a new week and a new day, let’s remember that today is an opportunity for a fresh start, so let’s shine His light wherever we go and count our blessings!

Thank you for taking the time out of your day to stop by my blog. I’m also on Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram.

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The post His Mercies Begin Afresh Each Morning appeared first on Cyndi Spivey.

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