Because of today, I made it through 2020


Merry Christmas, wonderful friends! Today, I am focusing on the reason for the season…the birth of our Savior.

Because I have a relationship with the baby in the manger, I could face a pandemic, job layoff, and many challenges with joy deep inside, unrattled.

Jesus is the reason for the season

Because of the baby in the manger, I know my future is secure.

Because of the baby in the manger, I experience amazing peace amidst chaos and face each day with hope in my heart.

Because of the baby in the manger, I know the living God first hand and speak with Him throughout each day.

Because of the baby in the manger, I know the difference between relationship and religion.

Because of the baby in the manger, I am never alone.

Because of the baby in the manger, I can face tomorrow…

Christmas 2020 on Over 50 Feeling 40

My wish for you is to also know the baby in the manger…Prince of Peace…Mighty God…Omnipotent Father…Emmanuel…if you ever want to talk about Jesus, please email me…[email protected].

The baby was born and died for all of us to have eternal life…joy…peace…He is real and alive.

Merry Christmas to all…and, please…..


By Pamela Lutrell

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