It’s time to spring clean your beauty cabinet! here’s how


Spring is here! It is time to declutter and let go of stagnant energy. Let’s start your annual spring cleaning with your skincare cabinet. Throughout the year we buy so many products to try, gifts, and let’s not forget those free Sephora samples you get with every order. Here are some tips to help you spring clean your skincare collection.

Makeup tools

One of the basic rules: always wash your brushes after using them once or twice. An easy way to keep ’em check is to use two different brush holders to label which is clean vs dirty. Use a brush-cleaning product or gentle soap/shampoo to thoroughly clean your brushes, and lay them flat to dry (avoid stacking!) right after.

One often-overlooked tool that you may leave out from the cleaning roster is your makeup sponge. Your BeautyBlender is likely to breed an unhealthy amount of dirt and grime—if not more—than your brushes. Wash it daily (at the very least, weekly) should help with keeping bacteria at bay; don’t forget to replace it every three months.


Say bye-bye to those lipsticks you’ve been hoarding. “Anything that comes into regular contact with your hands has a shorter shelf life,” says Dr. Debra Jaliman, a New York City dermatologist and author of Skin Rules. “And you have to be more careful with products you put near your eyes and mouth.” Her guidelines:

Liquid foundation and BB creams: Toss within six months of opening. “The danger is that expired creams can cause irritation and possibly bacterial infection,” says Dr. Jaliman. “If they’re in a jar as opposed to a pump or tube, and you’re putting your finger in there repeatedly, it’s more of a problem.”

Mascara: Replace every six months.

Lipsticks and lip, eye, and brow pencils: Toss within one year of opening (and be sure to store them capped).

Pressed powders, including blush and eye shadow: Toss within two years of opening.

Hair-styling tools

When was the last time you actually cleaned your hair straightener? If your answer is along the lines of “never” (eek!), here’s why you should get on it, stat.

“Ceramic plates of straighteners can harbour grime if not properly cleaned. Hairspray, oils and other heavy products can build up not only on your hair, but on your tools too, on top of oils that are secreted from your scalp, which can damage your locks if the device is not regularly cleansed,” says Steve Elstein, Vice President of Product Development and Research at GHD.

After turning off and unplugging your straightener, use nail polish remover on organic cotton wool to wipe down the ceramic plates. Let it dry for a few hours before using it—and make sure it’s thoroughly dry before you do!

Another important tip: “You should never use water or water-based cleaners to clean your styler—this is a very dangerous practice. Also, we wouldn’t recommend wipes unless they are organic and biodegradable since they typically contain plastic,” says Elstein.


Layout all your skincare products. Dispose of unused and expired products. Remember you only really need the essentials.

and then…Get a facial.

It is time to start the season fresh! We build up so much dead skin from the dry, cold winter months. It is time to shed our old skin, and glow into the new. I love facials! They are so relaxing and I feel revitalized and refreshed afterwards. A treat from me to me.

I would love to hear your thoughts! Leave me a comment down below or shoot me a DM over on INSTAGRAM!


Original Article